Amercan Cancer Society
Saturday, November 9, 2024 Bixby


Our event would not be possible without dedicated volunteers giving generously of their time and talent. We’re always in need of additional volunteers; please review the list below to see if one of opportunities is right for you!

Please email Dana for a “Duty Description” for one or any of the below positions.

Barons are men and women who are community and/or business leaders from not only Tulsa but our surrounding cities throughout northeastern Oklahoma. The mission of this group is to promote and support the success of Tulsa Cattle Baron’s Ball. In doing so, this prestigious group assists the American Cancer Society in their mission to eliminate cancer as we know it for everyone while raising money directly for its largest single night fundraiser in Oklahoma, Tulsa Cattle Baron’s Ball.

Committee Opportunities
-Baron Liaison
Live Auction Chair & Silent Auction Chair
-Sponsorship & Underwriting Chair
-Mission Support Chair(s)
-Communications/Publicity Chair
-Children’s Party Chair
-Revenue Enhancer Chair
-Beverage & Stall Crawl Chair
-Volunteer Chair

To sign up as a volunteer or learn more about our opportunities, please contact Dana Harris at 918.760.2939 or